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Maria started Pequeños Agricultores en California (PAC), to help migrant farmers acquire their organic certification and assist farmers when applying for grants and loans for owning their own land. The mission of PAC is to support farmers and their families with technical and professional assistance in order to ensure their human rights, economical potential, and to achieve sovereignty. In 2008, she was recognized by the USDA for her efforts with PAC. However, due to lack of funding, Maria has not yet been able to incorporate PAC as a 501c3. With your help, she can assist, train, and equip farmworkers to get out of the vicious cycle that keeps them from reaching their goals and potential under a current food system that exploits the sanctity of life. PAC aims to create a networks of small scale organic farmers that can support each other on the path to a successful and liberating farming career.
"This is my life mission. To feed my family and my community while helping bridge the gap of an unequal food system."
- Maria